Транскрипція відео
You will have the most undeniable sexual experience ever.
Like you knew we had something to celebrate.
I'm excited to see how perfect you are.
What do you think?
It definitely felt good.
You will have the most undeniable sexual experience ever.
Like you knew we had something to celebrate.
I'm excited to see how perfect you are.
What do you think?
It definitely felt good.
i shake my head, clearing it!
i take a deep sip of the green poison. my appletini!
i clear my mind, and return to the subject matter.
i am back in high school. Decades ago. i relive my t*rtuous experience... i relive... my B*lly!
i realize the lost opportunity.
something that haunted my dreams back then, but didnt realize that the terror was something i would fantasize about so many years later.
You see, now.... now, i fantasize about Her.
my B*lly.
i dream about Her, masturbate while thinking about Her.
A wicked, awful, me*n Girl.
A Girl that would enjoy Dominating a shy submissive girl like me.
i imagine setting up a date with Her now. Dressing for Her. Dressing like i did so many years ago in a sch**l girl outfit, the plaid green skirt, the white top, the knee-high wite socks, laying face-down on my bed while She walked in...
She isnt as me*n as i remembered... She sweetly asked "Are yew ready sinny?"
i smiled, and nodded... UMM-HUMM!
She climbed on the bed, behind me, hovering over me, and growled... "ARE u SURE?"
i have never, ever, been so sure in my life. i simply nodded, and whispered yessss, and She grabbed me!
Nicky TOOK me. She TOOK Her l!ttle slut girl! Nicky doesnt suffer fools, She TAKES what She wants, and She wants... the l!ttle submissive slut. She wants... me.
Nicky treated me poorly.
She was awful.
She was wicked, and mean!
She humiliated me, and...
i love Her. 👅🦋💦🤤
Her name was Nicky.
She treated me awfully, calling me names, and spread rumors about me being a lesbian!
It was short-lived, and thankfully ended quickly.
Here i am. Twenty years later.
i am a very different girl now.
i have discovered that i am, in fact, a lesbian.
i... like girls.
i have also discovered that i am also submissive.
Very submissive.
i have played with many Girls, and have become comfortable in my skin. i am happy. i am out. i hide nothing.
And here i am, enjoying some me-time. An unremarkable Wednesday evening in late August. my me-time comes infrequently now because of my very busy life.
And yet... i am here. Enjoying a night to myself. Enjoying a night i set aside to.... play. GIGGLES! OKAY, a night to masturbate! i have grown to LOVE my nights alone, when i let my freak fly! Nights dedicated to my pleasure, dedicated to enjoying my body!!
i came across a video that peaked my interest.
It hit too close to home.
the girl told her story, confessed her sins, she told a tale that felt way too familiar!